家长们呼吁的四至六年级UASA ENGLISH PART 5出炉啦💕
part 5主要是考验小孩子对词汇的掌握🫵🏻您的孩子掌握了所有要学的词汇了吗?您孩子达到TP4毕业要求了吗🤨🤨
还没的话来看看这本UASA PART 5吧!
👉🏻提供Teacher Version & Student Version
👉🏻 Teacher Version 可用于给小孩子听写+复习 😍不用一直翻答案。🧐
Wonderland’s UASA English Part 5 is HERE❗❗
Wondering what is Part 5 🤨🤨Part 5 is to test student in understanding word meaning and vocabulary
Come and get the book now to help your students and children achieve TP4
👉🏻Each standard follow by unit
👉🏻Words meaning inside the books are according to the Cambridge Dictionary
👉🏻AFTER receiving feedback from customer, we have now TEACHER version and STUDENT VERSION
👉🏻Teacher version is for teacher to direct test student and you don’t have to flip over to answer page again
👉🏻Around 180 questions
STD 4 –> 59 Pages
STD 5 –> 49 Pages
STD 6 –> 60 Pages
Bahasa Inggeris –> PART 5
👉🏻Semua perkataan dari KSSR BUKU Teks
👉🏻Maksud perkataan dari Kamus Cambridge
👉🏻Terdapat Guru dan Murid version
👉🏻180 latihan
Tahun 4 –> 59 Pages
Tahun 5 –> 49 Pages
Tahun 6 –> 60 Pages
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